Urszula Jakubowicz
Documentary Photography
Student Number 501113
Assignment One – Local Communities
Produce a small photo essay of 10 images that
demonstrates your engagement with the lives, experiences and histories of your
local community and its people.
To meet the brief of this assignment I
decided to photograph the Alderney Animal Welfare Society Jumble Sale, which aims at raising
funds for this charity based organisation. Although I usually do not get myself
heavily involved with the lives and events of the Island, this subject was the
nearest to my heart and certainly it is the most honest account of my
involvement with the community.
The local
Jumble Sale in itself is quite an exotic event, it is the most bizarre 30
minutes one can experience, usually involving people fighting for second hand
bargains. The event attracts all ages, all classes, people in need of something
to wear, something to read or simply something to do on a Saturday afternoon.
With this set of the photographs I wanted to showcase more than I ever
experienced before during the Jumble Sale, my personal involvement (i.e. providing
a cake for the cake sale), the preparations, the people helping to run the day,
the gossiping, the variety of the characters the event seems to attract and the
general atmosphere of the day. My day started at 10 am and finished at 16 pm,
meaning that I was able to get to know the people involved with the event and
therefore the process of the photographing was a pleasant experience for both,
myself and my subjects.
For the
project I used 23mm f1.4 Fujinon lens on my Fuji X Pro 1 and on camera bounced
Nikon flash to just slightly lift the darker scenes. I chose to use higher ISO
ranging between 1250 and 2500, as the lighting was tricky inside the very
large room. I wanted to keep a larger depth of field and freeze the scenes with
minimal blurring. I aimed to keep my aperture at no larger than f5, f5.6. The
final b&w format was chosen in order to create more cohesive set, allowing
the photographs to flow better.
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